Friday, February 18, 2011

Note to Public Employees

Did you notice that breath of fresh air that just blew over the political landscape?  I noticed it the day Donald Trump stood before the attendees at the CEPAC convention. Here's a group who has for years cast their votes for Ron Paul as the favorite Republican candidate for President.  The fresh breeze blew across the auditorium when entrepreneur Donald Trump took to the stage and told the gathering "Ron Paul has no chance of being elected President". Now this is something political supporters are not used to, someone told the truth. They reacted accordingly with loud boos and jeers.

It has happened on rare occasion before. I recall seeing news reports of New Jersey Governor Chris Cristy holding a town hall meeting when confronted by a public school teacher. The teacher was lamenting the Governor's plans to cap property taxes and revisit public employees collective bargaining. The teacher claimed he was not compensating her for her education and experience. Governor Cristy replied (are you ready for that fresh breeze?) "well then, you don't have to do it".

Now I see more public employee unions trying to preserve what no private sector employee ever had, increasing pay and benefits in troubled times. I confess I'm a bit tired of hearing these government workers claiming to be public servants. Here's my note to these public servants;  If you really want to serve the public, QUIT YOUR JOB. Decreasing the public payroll would be a real breath of fresh air.

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