Saturday, March 5, 2011

Join the Pro-Union Fellowship

For those who believe in unions, do not feel that you are alone in history.  There are many men and women who have forged the path that you now follow. Some were leading advisors to soon-to-be President F.D.R.
From the University of Chicago Professor Paul Douglas was part of a trade union delegation to the Soviet Union in 1927. Professor Douglas wrote of that experience "the people's real rights, that is their economic rights, are much better protected than in any other country". Labor leader Sidney Hillman who headed the Amalgamated Clothing Workers shared his positive view of the Soviet Union saying "I have never met a group of people that is so realistic, so practical, so courageous, and so able to handle the greatest job, as the group of people who have charge of the destinies of the Russian nation today". The one time president of the United Mine Workers John Brophy  told Soviet leader Joseph Stalin "the presence of the U.S. trade union delegation to Russia is evidence of the sympathy of a section of the American workers to the workers of the Soviet Union."
The sad reality for our comrades today is the collectivist model so admired in the 1920's and 30's is not around to the return the favor.

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